Meet the Team

Entrust your financial journey to seasoned independent cross border financial planners who possess both the expertise and unwavering commitment to guide you through the complexities of your finances.

Irina Matco

CFP® (Canada), CFP® (USA) F. Pl. , B. Comm
Co-Founder & Financial Planner

With over a decade of experience, clients frequently describe me as an invaluable partner, appreciating both my expertise and seasoned guidance.

Ilaria Defendi

Co-Founder & Financial Planner

With more than 15 years of experience as a financial planner, I’ve gained a reputation among clients as a dependable and trustworthy ally.

Start your cross border financial planning process today. Schedule your personalized consultation and embark on a journey toward financial success.

Our consultation process is an investment you won’t regret. In addition to gaining clarity on your financial questions, our virtual session ensures you receive a subsequent detailed summary email. Invest in your financial future today with our comprehensive consultation experience.