Ilaria Defendi

Co-Founder & Financial Planner

My journey to Canada has provided me with a unique perspective, allowing me to empathize with the challenges of moving to a new country. I am dedicated to helping clients navigate these complexities, avoiding costly mistakes and seizing every opportunity.

My career in the financial industry began in Italy over 15 years ago and flourished with the pursuit of a post-graduate certificate in financial planning from George Brown College. Since then, I have expanded my expertise through diverse roles at multinational corporations and boutique firms, specializing in Canada/US cross-border planning. My areas of expertise include Cross-Border Financial Planning, Tax Planning, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, and Insurance and Risk Management. My passion is empowering clients to achieve their financial goals through tailored solutions.

I value collaboration and leverage the expertise of fellow professionals. I work with a network of cross-border accountants, lawyers, and investment advisors to ensure seamless integration and alignment in every financial plan.

Outside of work, I cherish time with my partner, stepson, and our beloved cat, Fuffy. I also prioritize regular visits to Italy to reconnect with my parents and friends and immerse myself in the culture that shaped me.

I am passionate about children’s rights, environmental conservation, empowering women, and mentoring the next generation of financial planners. Giving back is central to my values. I have volunteered to assist with tax preparations for women facing socio-economic challenges and supported future financial planners at GBC. These experiences highlight the importance of helping those in need and drive my commitment to positively impacting others’ lives.

Start your cross border financial planning process today. Schedule your personalized consultation and embark on a journey toward financial success.

Our consultation process is an investment you won’t regret. In addition to gaining clarity on your financial questions, our virtual session ensures you receive a subsequent detailed summary email. Invest in your financial future today with our comprehensive consultation experience.